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  Ranking last updated on Sunday, June 2nd 5:32 2002
for the server LegoLAN RocketArena3
death match  r a n k i n g
This page tells you about how well you have been playing multiplayer Death Match. As an objective parameter your Rank is calculated.

See the ranking section on the faq page for more info!

dm ranking
...List of ranked players
...The dm ranking

ranked players For details on the player list below hit: Help
Ranked Player List  -  Top 14
Player Player Player
 12   @cehigh   10   DeathMaker   2   SpaNishMercenary  
 14   AMMOBEAV   11   Freakoffaleash   4   yogensha  
 5   Caelestis   6   HEAVY G   8   |GMK|Havok  
 9   D.U.S.K.   3   Safari   13   |GMK|c0ke-Nazi  
 1   DeathAndTaxes   7   SpaNishMerSINary    

dm ranking It won't let you go!
It won't let you sleep!
It will make you even more addicted to multiplayer death match gaming!
So be warned! ;-)

For details on how to read the ranking table below hit: Help

Ranking for the Top 14
 Player    Rank    Contacts   Incidents   Frags    F%    Deaths    D%    Netto    N%  
1   DeathAndTaxes   73.07 497  349  70  148  29  201  40 
2   SpaNishMercenary   60.42 86  49  56  37  43  12  13 
3   Safari   57.79 13  406  191  47  215  52  -24  -5 
4   yogensha   56.49 12  409  187  45  222  54  -35  -8 
5   Caelestis   56.46 106  57  53  49  46  7 
6   HEAVY G   55.84 133  69  51  64  48  3 
7   SpaNishMerSINary   53.54 88  42  47  46  52  -4  -4 
8   |GMK|Havok   51.91 10  185  92  49  93  50  -1  0 
9   D.U.S.K.   49.94 184  94  51  90  48  2 
10   DeathMaker   41.12 56  23  41  33  58  -10  -17 
11   Freakoffaleash   40.36 113  42  37  71  62  -29  -25 
12   @cehigh   35.56 126  40  31  86  68  -46  -36 
13   |GMK|c0ke-Nazi   22.50 62  13  20  49  79  -36  -58 
14   AMMOBEAV   20.14 83  13  15  70  84  -57  -68 
  48.22  7.4  181.0  90.1  49.8  90.9  50.2   

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Sunday, June 2nd 5:32 2002
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