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  Ranking last updated on Sunday, June 2nd 16:32 2002
for the server LegoLAN CorkScrew
death match  r a n k i n g
This page tells you about how well you have been playing multiplayer Death Match. As an objective parameter your Rank is calculated.

See the ranking section on the faq page for more info!

dm ranking
...List of ranked players
...The dm ranking

ranked players For details on the player list below hit: Help
Ranked Player List  -  Top 11
Player Player Player
 10   AMMOBEAV   6   HEAVY G   2   yogensha  
 1   DeathAndTaxes   8   HellRaiser   4   |GMK|Havok  
 7   DeathMaker   3   Safari   11   |GMK|c0ke-Nazi  
 9   FREAK OFF A LEASH   5   sk8boardin_fool    

dm ranking It won't let you go!
It won't let you sleep!
It will make you even more addicted to multiplayer death match gaming!
So be warned! ;-)

For details on how to read the ranking table below hit: Help

Ranking for the Top 11
 Player    Rank    Contacts   Incidents   Frags    F%    Deaths    D%    Netto    N%  
1   DeathAndTaxes   66.31 259  166  64  93  35  73  28 
2   yogensha   61.63 10  500  300  60  200  40  100  20 
3   Safari   58.98 10  1434  837  58  597  41  240  16 
4   |GMK|Havok   58.06 448  257  57  191  42  66  14 
5   sk8boardin_fool   52.50 10  1147  586  51  561  48  25  2 
6   HEAVY G   49.54 10  622  311  50  311  50  0 
7   DeathMaker   47.23 10  668  313  46  355  53  -42  -6 
8   HellRaiser   47.03 10  733  325  44  408  55  -83  -11 
9   FREAK OFF A LEASH   45.00 445  181  40  264  59  -83  -18 
10   AMMOBEAV   36.10 10  968  353  36  615  63  -262  -27 
11   |GMK|c0ke-Nazi   25.14 72  19  26  53  73  -34  -47 
  49.77  9.5  663.3  331.6  50.0  331.6  50.0   

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Using build v5.30 5/19/2002 2:39PM
Sunday, June 2nd 16:32 2002
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